Hand Techniques, Grips and Fulcrums
This 12 page tutorial contains an explanation of the 3 main Grips & the Fulcrum positions that make up the Grips, the principles behind Finger Control along with some additional Finger, Hand & Wrist exercises. It is advised that you watch the Video https://youtu.be/VQ9Gn2RLazg that accompanies this Tutorial.
This 12 page tutorial contains an explanation of the 3 main Grips & the Fulcrum positions that make up the Grips, the principles behind Finger Control along with some additional Finger, Hand & Wrist exercises. It is advised that you watch the Video https://youtu.be/VQ9Gn2RLazg that accompanies this Tutorial.
This 12 page tutorial contains an explanation of the 3 main Grips & the Fulcrum positions that make up the Grips, the principles behind Finger Control along with some additional Finger, Hand & Wrist exercises. It is advised that you watch the Video https://youtu.be/VQ9Gn2RLazg that accompanies this Tutorial.